Travels With Sam

The travels of the Cebula-Kenney family: Larry, Renee, Mac, Rachael and Sam.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Day 15: The wackiest of the many heroic bronze statues of L&C that we saw along the trail. It is hard to figure out what is going on here. Lewis has thrown himself down, his gun still in hand, to hurriedly draw a picture of the fish that the old Indian man is holding, presumably before the fish turns into a bird and flies away. He has a rapt look of concentration on his face--"!" The Indian man seems wise and kind, he knows how important it is that Lewis draw the fish. Even the dog Seaman is transfixed by the high drama of the moment. Clark stands above them all with arms out like an Old Testament prophet, giving his benediction. Damn it is a strange statue.